Our History
Inside Education has over 40 years of environmental and natural resource education under our belts. Check out some key points along the way.
Historical Timeline

Incorporated as FEESA
In the summer of 1985, our founder Jim Martin, who was a former teacher and principal in Indigenous communities throughout Alberta, along with a passionate group of stakeholders, incorporated the Friends of Environmental Education Society of Alberta as a non-profit charitable society to ensure that one environmental and natural resource viewpoint wouldn’t outweigh the other.

Our First Learning Resource Developed
In an effort to support environmental conversation in the classroom, we developed our first-ever learning resource for use in the classroom, the two-volume Northern Alberta Environmental Program.

Jim Martin, Founder of FEESA Becomes Its First Employee
After starting FEESA as a volunteer organization and realizing its mission was something he wanted to pursue full-time, founder Jim Martin took a leave from his job with the Government of Alberta to focus his efforts on bringing environmental and natural resource education to Alberta students and teachers.

Our First Professional Development Program
43 Alberta educators came together to participate in the first of FEESA’s educator professional development institute—a 14-day Forestry Education Institute in Grande Prairie and the Water Education Institute in Lethbridge.

Alberta’s First Climate Change Teacher Professional Development
The topic of climate change has been top of mind for many educators as of late, so we were pleased to host the Atmospheric Change Education Summer Institute—the first teacher professional development opportunity for Alberta educators dedicated to climate and atmospheric change.

Our First In-School Program
FEESA begins its direct delivery programming in classrooms, hiring its first educator! Does he look familiar to you?
The Forest Adopt-A-Classroom program starts to bring the forest to the classrooms of Alberta students.

Our First Multimedia Classroom Program
In January of 1993 we introduced our very first multimedia classroom program on the Boreal Forest. The three-part series featured hour-long videos dedicated to better understanding the Boreal Forest with the help of none other than Nathan Fillion…
Yes, that Nathan Fillion!

Established an Office in Calgary
Always on the hunt for new ways to expand our reach, in January of 1997 we established a new office in Calgary thanks to a generous partnership with the University of Calgary.
In addition to having a great new space to call our own, the new Calgary office will help us become more accessible to Calgary and area schools than ever before.

Our First Forest Field Site
We’ve always done our best to provide environmental and natural resource education to students and teachers, but for many, hands-on, experiential learning is the most effective way to fully understand fleshed out concepts.
With the opening of our first-ever forest field site at the Jumpingpound Demonstration Forest in Kananaskis, students from all across southern Alberta will have the opportunity to learn all about the forest—while in the forest!

Our Presentation at NAAEE Conference
Sharing our passion for environmental education has always been of great importance to us, so were absolutely thrilled to be invited to present at the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Conference in South Padre Island, Texas.

Opened Des Crossley Demonstration Forest
In January of 1999, we opened our newest forest field trip site 25 km southwest of Rocky Mountain House.
Originally a research site named for a pioneering forester whose 1950s research found clearcutting the most efficient way to regenerate tree growth, the Des Crossley Demonstration Forest will offer students from the region an experiential opportunity to learn about the forest in their own backyards.

Rebrand To Inside Education Society of Alberta
After nearly 20 years of operation under the title, Friends of Environmental Education Society of Alberta (FEESA), our team rebranded and adopted Inside Education to better reflect our ability to bring individuals inside the Science, Issues, Development & Environment.
Even though our name has changed, our commitment to provide quality, balanced education has remained as strong as ever.

Inaugural ForestEDWest Conference
The 2004 ForestEDWest conference marked the first time a large-scale event of its kind was dedicated to fostering the growth of education about Alberta’s and Western Canada’s forests, wildlife, and forest resources.
Topics of discussion included outdoor education delivery methods, emerging issues in the forested landscape, forestry careers and training, and more.

Steve McIsaac Becomes Executive Director
Joining the Inside Education team in 1993 and quickly rising to the rank of Program Director, Steve McIsaac was appointed by the Board of Directors to the position of Executive Director in January of 2005.
Steve’s vision and leadership have been instrumental in establishing Inside Education as Alberta’s leading environment and natural resource education charity. With Steve steering the ship, we know we’re in great hands through the next 20 years and beyond!

Launch of Wetlands Programming
As a critical habitat for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife, Alberta’s wetlands are a crucial ecosystem for biodiversity in our province.
With that in mind, Inside Education teamed up with Ducks Unlimited Canada in 2005 to begin offering wetlands field trips for students and teachers to experience the majesty of Alberta’s wetlands from up close.

Second ForestEDWest Conference
Held in Banff from January 26 - 29, 2006, the second ForestEDWest conference offered 165 participants the opportunity to discuss, learn, network and share their ideas about forest education across Canada.
The 2006 ForestEDWest conference also introduced the inaugural James M. Martin Lifetime Achievement in Forest Education Award, created to honour careers dedicated to fostering and furthering education about Canada’s forests.

Celebrated 25 Years!

First Provincial Youth Summit
Despite decades of making a substantial impact on students and teachers through our existing programming, never one to rest on its laurels, Inside Education launched its first-ever provincial-scale youth leadership summit in 2011 with Generate.
The Youth Energy Literacy Conference enabled participants to connect with like-minded peers, investigate their role in their region’s energy future, and ultimately develop and implement Energy Literacy and Action Plans to take back to their respective high schools.

Purchased our Edmonton Office
Inside Education has always felt like a family, so it was only fitting that we found and purchased a downtown house to serve as the headquarters for our Edmonton office.
Cozy but still spacious, our new home away from home is the perfect place to work, collaborate, and store our expanding supply of learning resources.

Hosted Navigate: Youth Water Education and Leadership Summit
2012 saw the introduction of our second provincial-scale youth leadership summit for high school students with Navigate: Youth Water Education and Leadership Summit in Kananaskis.
125 participants joined us to deep-dive into the science, issues, technology, and careers related to the key water issues of today and tomorrow.

Won ECO Canada’s Award for Canadian Environmental Employer of the Year
It’s a whole lot easier to strive for professional excellence when you love what you do, who you work with, and what your organization stands for!
Thanks in large part to the ever-auspicious company culture at the core of our professional ethos, Inside Education was awarded Canadian Environmental Employer of the Year by ECO Canada.

Established two new Forest Field Trip Sites
In an effort to expand the in-person opportunities for Alberta students and teachers to experience their local forested landscape, 2013 saw Inside Education’s suite of forest field trip sites expand by two with the addition of the Huestis Demonstration Forest in Whitecourt and the Evergreen Centre in Grande Prairie.

Awarded Best Workplace for Working Parents by Alberta Venture Magazine
While the Inside Education team often refers to itself as a family, we know how important it is to provide work-life balance, especially to those who are starting and supporting families of their own.
In January of 2013, we were thrilled to see these efforts acknowledged in the form of an Alberta Venture Magazine award for Best Workplace for Working Parents.

First Experiential Careers Education Program, Alberta Boreal Careers Summit
33 Grade 9-12 students from 5 schools were joined by a diverse range of energy industry experts in Lac La Biche to gain a deeper understanding of the career opportunities available in Northwestern Alberta.
The Alberta Boreal Careers (ABC) Project explored careers ranging from environmental science and petroleum engineering to welding, cooking, and beyond.

Held Our First Edmonton Based Junior High School Summit
The Edmonton Energy Efficiency (E3) Education Program was a two-day learning experience for Edmonton students and teachers. The summit provided insights into the region’s energy future focused around energy efficiency, along with alternative and renewable energy.
58 students from eight schools across the Capital Region had an opportunity to tour the NAIT Alternative and Renewable Energy Lab, the net-zero Mosaic Centre and a net-zero townhouse, while also experimenting with bicycle generators, solar lantern building, and more.

Created Water Innovation and Stewardship Education Kits and Solar Lantern Projects For Electricity Education
Always in pursuit of providing new hands-on learning experiences for students to explore environmental and natural resource education, in February of 2014 we created two new resources: Water Innovation and Stewardship Kits and Solar Lantern Projects for electricity education.

Celebrated 30 Years!
Three decades of supporting teachers and inspiring students!

Citizen Science Program Begins
With the support of the Automotive Recyclers of Canada’s Grants in Gear program and the City of Edmonton, Inside Education launched both the Clean Air Responsible Schools (C.A.R.S.) and PlantWatch programs, respectively.
Between the two programs, a total of 874 students from 35 different classrooms participated, expanding their knowledge on air quality and plant identification, along with citizen science data monitoring and analysis.

Creation of Jim Martin Legacy Fund
Serving as Executive Director for 20 years, Jim Martin spearheaded the growth of our organization into what would eventually become Alberta’s largest environmental and natural resource education charity.
Shortly after Jim’s passing in 2016, with kind tributes from his friends and our funders, we established the Jim Martin Legacy Fund to help support schools from Indigenous communities to attend Inside Education provincial youth summits.

Established Our Wood Buffalo Forest Site and RMWB Regional Sustainability Summit
As part of our ongoing effort to make our programming accessible to schools across Alberta, the Inside Education team added a new forest field trip site near Fort McMurray at the Gregoire Lake Provincial Park.
The fall of 2018 also saw students and teachers from three schools take part in the Wood Buffalo Student Sustainability Summit. The summit allowed students to examine local sustainability and energy initiatives, climate change-related issues, and students’ roles in environmental stewardship.

Jumpingpound Demonstration Forest Program Celebrates 20 Years
Located approximately 50 Km west of Calgary, the Jumpingpound Demonstration Forest celebrated its 20th year after opening in 1988 as part of the multi-use recreation area in Kananaskis Country.
As one of our most in-demand sites, the Jumpingpound Demonstration Forest has been a crucial tool in telling the story of Alberta’s forest and wildlife landscape to students in Southern Alberta.

Our Programming Reaches 111 Alberta Communities in One School Year
Following what was arguably our busiest year to date, in January of 2018 we were happy to report that our suite of classroom, field and youth summit programming reached a total of 111 communities across Alberta in the 2017 school year.

Inside Education adopts the A+ for Energy Program from BP Canada
Adding to the array of educational opportunities on offer to Alberta teachers and students, Inside Education took over the reins of the A+ for Energy Grant Program from BP Canada, who would remain in place as the A+ for Energy founding funder.
Through the A+ for Energy Grant Program, Inside Education has been able to provide funding and guidance to K-12 schools across the province to help bring energy ideas to life in the classroom and beyond.

Celebrate a Decade of Youth Education Summits
After a decade of bringing large-scale energy, climate and water-focused education to Alberta high school students across the province, Inside Education celebrated its tenth youth education summit with the introduction of Cultivate; our first youth leadership summit designed to highlight and educate students about Alberta’s agriculture sector.

Emerald Award for Public Education and Outreach
In 2020, Alberta’s acclaimed Emerald Foundation honoured Inside Education with our first Emerald Award for Public Education and Outreach–two cornerstones of the Inside Education mandate to support environmental education all across Alberta.
The award acknowledged Inside Education’s commitment to showing leadership and creativity in educating students of all ages about environmental matters.

Introduction of Virtual Classroom Presentations
The inability to provide classroom presentations during the pandemic proved to be a challenge, but the Inside Education program team was up to the task! Shifting our delivery model to online, virtual classroom presentations allowed us to continue inspiring students and supporting teachers when seeing them in person wasn’t an option.

Launched Energy Education Tool Kit project
Inside Education’s ongoing commitment to energy education resulted in the development of a unique project for the 2020-2021 school year - The Energy Education Tool Kit. In January 2021, over 4,000 students from 79 schools across 40 Alberta communities received an Energy Education Tool Kit.
The Energy Education Tool Kit contains materials and activities for students to engage with and learn about energy in an interactive way. The tool kit was designed to meet a growing demand for support during the pandemic when outside guests were not allowed to visit schools.

Added a new province-wide wetlands program
After a hiatus from in-person field programs, Inside Education was thrilled to begin offering wetlands programs for students across the province in the fall of 2021. Launching our new wetland field programs in Edmonton and Calgary, we hosted students at local natural wetlands, naturalized wetlands, and stormwater ponds.
During the fall season, we delivered six programs to 16 classes consisting of 125 elementary and 177 junior high school students. Some of the major themes taught included wetland types and comparison, evaluating biodiversity, terrestrial and aquatic animal adaptations, and more.

Hosted two virtual Youth Summits for over 1,000 students
With the global pandemic limiting our ability to deliver large-scale, in-person programming for students and teachers, Inside Education quickly pivoted in 2021 to host three provincial summits virtually: The Boreal Careers (ABC) Summit, the Generate Youth Energy and Climate Summit, and the Cultivate Youth Agriculture Leadership Summit.
Despite the limitations of online-only project delivery, the three virtual summits were attended by a cumulative total of 44 teams of nearly 1,300 junior and senior high students from across Alberta.

ForestEDWest returns for the first time since 2006
Inside Education is extremely pleased to have hosted the return of Western Canada’s premiere forest education conference with ForestEDWest 2022.
Held in Canmore, Alberta from March 17-20, 2022, this program was an opportunity for teachers, educators, non-governmental organizations, post-secondary institutions, industry, and government to convene and share best practices, resources, and ultimately set the direction for forest education in western Canada.

Emerald Lifetime Achievement Award for Executive Director Steve McIsaac
Executive Director Steve McIsaac was recognized with an Emerald Lifetime Achievement Award for his substantial contributions toward environmental education, inspiring youth and supporting teachers across Alberta for more than 30 years.
In addition to co-leading Alberta’s first climate change education program, 1992’s Atmospheric Change Teacher’s Institute, Steve led Inside Education’s first-ever student outdoor education field trip, delivered dozens of teacher professional development programs, co-authored numerous learning resources and even starred in an Educational Video.

A+ for Energy Program celebrates 15 years
After awarding more than $4 million in total funding to K-12 schools across Alberta since its inception, the A+ for Energy Grant program celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2022.
In the five years that followed Inside Education’s adoption of the A+ for Energy Program from BP Canada in 2018, Inside Education and its program funders were proud to provide more than 100 grants of up to $5,000 to help establish energy education products that have gone on to create a lasting impact on both the schools themselves and the communities that surround them.

In-person Youth Summits Return - Cultivate 2022
Though the Inside Education team remained ever-resilient in finding new ways to offer environmental and natural resource education to Albertans during the course of the pandemic, we were thrilled to make our return to offering in-person summits in the fall of 2022.
The Cultivate Youth Agriculture Leadership Summit brought together 18 teams from high schools across Alberta to explore the agriculture sector in our province. More than 100 students and teachers dove into topics ranging from modern agriculture to food systems, to Alberta’s evolving role in global food production.

Hosted Generate/Navigate Youth Environmental Leadership Summit
The Generate/Navigate Youth Leadership Summit was Inside Education’s 12th and largest-ever provincial-scale summit, with 160 students and teachers coming together in Canmore, Alberta from 20 high schools across Alberta and northeast B.C.
The award-winning summit featured 70 world-class experts and special guest speakers representing a diverse spectrum of ideas and perspectives. Through a variety of tours, workshops, roundtable discussions and panel presentations, participants were provided with insight into key energy, climate and water topics over the course of the four-day summit.

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal awarded to Executive Director Steve McIsaac
After more than 30 years with the organization and nearly 20 years steering the ship, Inside Education’s Executive Director Steve McIsaac was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal for his legacy of outstanding contributions to the province of Alberta.

Hosted Energy Futures National Summer Teacher’s Institute
24 teachers from 8 provinces took part in a five-day immersive exploration of energy development in Northern Alberta. Throughout the professional development program, participants had a unique opportunity to get a firsthand look at the current status and future horizons of the region’s energy landscape.
Some of the highlights included behind-the-scenes tours of an oil sands production site, a carbon capture facility, and the Métis Crossing Solar project, along with numerous hands-on activities and face-to-face time with energy experts from a variety of disciplines.

Clean50 Award for Education Program Lead Mila Mezei
Inside Education’s Energy Team Lead is honoured as a Clean50 Emerging Leader for her exceptional contribution toward helping students understand energy through a sustainability-focused lens.
Leading Inside Education’s Energy Education Tool Kit project, Mila helped build and distribute 200 kits to schools in Alberta and B.C. during the pandemic, providing 7021 students a hands-on energy education experience.

Steve McIsaac retires from Inside Education
After a remarkable 32-year career with Inside Education—serving 19 years as Executive Director—Steve McIsaac announced his retirement.
Words can’t express just how impactful Steve has been in making Inside Education what it is today and we hope to continue building on the incredible foundation Steve has left us!

Board of Directors appoints Kathryn Wagner as new Executive Director
Having made an enormous impact on Inside Education’s educational programs and company culture as its longtime Program Director, Kathryn Wagner was appointed by the Board of Directors as Inside Education’s new Executive Director.
We can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in her new role as she continues to help bring environmental and natural resource education to students and teachers across Alberta and beyond!

Celebrated 40 Years!
In 2025, Inside Education celebrated its 40th year in operation, marking four decades of providing environmental and natural resource education and support to teachers and students.
To celebrate the momentous milestone, Inside Education enlisted the help of some of its closest friends—old and new—to share both their fondest memories and the importance of the work Inside Education provides in this special 40th anniversary video: