Inside Education wants to help bring energy and electricity education to your school!
The Elementary Energy Expo is a station-based program designed to introduce students to curriculum-linked energy, electricity, climate and stewardship topics in a hands-on way.
We have natural resource samples, solar demonstrations, energy meters, and more! The Expo can accommodate multiple classes ranging from Grades 5-6 throughout one day. Ideally, we can set up in a spacious common area (i.e. gym, library, Learning Commons, etc.) and have each class come by for 60-90 minutes, depending on your bell schedule and group size. An Inside Education facilitator will set up the Expo and lead an engaging introduction, and groups of 3-4 students will circulate between the Expo stations. Each station features inquiry questions, hands-on components, and critical thinking!
This program aligns with the new program of studies and is best suited for Grade 5 & 6. We will customize stations based on the grade level of your students to ensure curriculum connections!
Curriculum Connections -
- Grade 5 Science - Matter, Energy, Earth Systems, Living Systems, Scientific Methods
- Grade 6 Science - Matter, Energy, Earth Systems, Living Systems, Scientific Methods
Natural Resource Grab Bag - Explore and identify renewable and non-renewable resources
Monitoring Energy - Use an energy meter to assess different appliances
Map of Canada - Map the natural resources we use to generate electricity across Canada.
Electricity Poster Scavenger Hunt - Explore how electricity is generated, distributed and used safely while conserving energy in our homes.
Renewable Energy - Test wind and solar energy using a turbine model and solar panel
Energy Moves Board Game - Move through the steps involved in producing energy from working with community to using energy.
Energy & Climate Stewardship - Discover the role we all play in energy conservation and greenhouse gas reductions.