In this fun video series, hosts Zoe and Eric take your students on field trips to the oil sands operations in Northern Alberta. Your students will learn what oil sand is, why it is important, how we get it out of the ground and how some of the challenges of extraction are being met.
Oil Sands Field Trips
Trip 1 – What Are The Oil sands?
Trip 2 – Mining
Trip 3 – In Situ
Trip 4 – Meeting The Challenges
Excursions Aux Sables Bitumineux
Excursion 1 - Quels sont Les Sables Bitumineux?
Excursion 2 – Les Exploitations Minières
Excursion 3 – In Situ
Excursion 4 – Relever Les Défis
Oil Sands Field Trip Teacher’s Guide - Grade 4 - 6
Oil Sands Field Trip Teacher’s Guide - Grade 7 - 9
Program of Study
Science, Social Studies, CTF
Curriculum Outcomes
Grade 4 Social Studies - Alberta, a Sense of the Land,
Grade 5 Social Studies - Physical Geography of Canada,
Grade 7 Science - Heat and Temperature
Grade 8 Science: Mix and Flow of Matter, Mechanical Systems
Grade 9 Science: Matter and Chemical Change, Environmental Chemistry
Grade 5-9 CTF
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